12/23/24 - an ode to shitty webcomics
i LOVE shitty webcomics. i added a section to my links for webcomics (without "shitty" because some of them are actually quite cohesive and wonderfully crafted). but i think theres something very beautiful in the authentic, raw work of an amateur comic artist. i have a particular fondness for shaky lineart and overcomplicated, hard to follow story lines. i think theres a lot of freedom in a "shitty" webcomic, mainly that it doesnt have to be perfect or palatable, and it can exist exactly how the artist envisioned it, without the interference of a corporation or publisher. im in love with the creativity and originality that can thrive in this environment--if it wasnt made by some guy in their bedroom then i dont want it! but more seriously, the internet provides a great place for a lot of these amateur works and im always looking for more (if you know of any particularly awesome webcomics shoot me a message!)
happy october!!!! i love fall so much. i might make a recipe page on here because i love to bake. also, i have been working on a comic!! im making a website to host it on, and i hope to share it here once i finish the first chapter!! ill probably put it in my art section. i have a four day weekend right now so hopefully i can make a lot of progress on this website and my comic
hi. i know i havent updated in a few days but that is because i have found THE COOLEST THING EVER. it is called 17776 football and it is!!! so cool!!! i have been spending the past few days reading it, and its sequel, 20020 football. i plan to make a shrine/interests page about it so stay tuned
i finally finished the homepage of this website!!!! im used to being able to code uninterrupted during the summer but now that school has started im SO BUSY. however this website has been a bit of a passion project and a fun destressor for me :) i have soooo much going on with school and ap classes and homework and taekwondo and marching band and my friends that squeezing in time for my hobbies has been really hard :( but i hope to work on this website more. i love websites and making websites and there is soooo much i want to add!! i plan to draw a lot more things for this like ads and a 404 page not found page and fun little secrets :) alrighty thats enough of my rant. stay cool gamers